What Does 5G Mean for Website Design?

Soon after the release of the new iPhones with 5G, the talk of the tech town is all about the fifth-generation technology. The excitement surrounds the high-speed and high-capacity connectivity network that delivers reduced latency, and improved connections.

 So, in other words, it’s crazy fast. 

However, 5G is still in its infancy and is only accessible at high-density event centers. The good news is specialists predict that by 2025 5G will be available in 1.4 billion devices worldwide. Not only is 5G set to have an impact on mobile web browsing, but these changes in mobile connectivity will also have a deep and lasting impact on the way we design and develop our websites. It’s in the web design realm that we explore the capabilities of this new network. But before diving into the changes that 5G will bring to the table, let’s understand a little more about the technology. 

Why is 5G a step forward?

As online entertainment streaming services increase, existing spectrum bands (4G LTE, 4G, etc.) are getting more and more jammed. People are struggling to get the connectivity that they need. 

5G was created to handle the expanding volume of data in this modern environment. It promises a quicker transfer of information, faster download speeds, more steady connections, and wider coverage. Compared to 4G, 5G can deliver speeds 10 to 20 times faster. This allows users to load big pages, files, images, videos, etc. in a fraction of a second.

But it isn’t all just about speed. 

One of the most significant benefits of this new technology is that it can offer substantially reduced latency. That means the total time it takes for your device to communicate with the internet will be a lot less. This is especially important for content-rich websites that would otherwise require either an extremely fast connection or lots of time to load.

So, as you can see, 5G is a big step forward. But what does this mean for you and your business?

How can your business benefit from 5G?

The key lies in the lower latency we talked about earlier. 

Loading speeds have been a big part of the user experience and SEO of a website. We are restricted to designing and developing sites with pages that load quickly, given an average network speed. A network like 5G allows us to significantly increase the amount of content on a website without any effect on its load performance. And we are not talking about just heavy images either. UX and web designers can now experiment with 4K videos, virtual and augmented reality, and hyper-realistic 3D content. 

This can be a game-changer for your business.

Beautiful, content-rich websites can, and most likely will, attract more consumers and build a better, more attractive brand experience. 

We are very excited about this new technology and are already finding ways to apply this to our partners in the future so they can level-up their brand and business. 

Things to consider…

Sadly, 5G won’t be available for a big part of the world population for years to come. Currently, many countries are only now starting to experience 3G.  Still, in terms of innovation, the network arrival is something to celebrate.