Is Your Website Mobile Friendly?

It’s a rarity to meet anyone who doesn’t have their smartphone within reach. Many people turn to their phones for online shopping, news, and information. When considering a new website for your company, it’s more important than ever to make sure it is user friendly, especially on mobile. If you’re an eCommerce company, it should be a “mobile-first” design, meaning you’re optimizing the design to work first on the phone and secondly on the desktop. Why is that? The fact is, it’s now statistically much more likely that eCommerce customers will be interacting with your website from a smartphone than a desktop. There are many reasons why you should create a mobile friendly website, we’ll touch on a few below. 

Remain accessible to all potential customers

Mobile is the go-to for over half of internet users. Smartphones are everywhere and more accessible than desktops. According to Google, as of 2019, the number of mobile website traffic outweighs that of desktop, and 63% of smartphone users are more likely to buy from you if your website offers them relevant information. By 2025, 72% of internet users will be solely using mobile According to the World Advertising Research center. You would hate to lose a customer just because they can’t access your site from their preferred platform, wouldn’t you?

Because Google Says So

Google’s algorithm prioritizes user friendly websites overall, and especially mobile-friendly sites. When evaluating which site ranks at the top of Google searches, mobile accessibility is one criterion Google hunkers down on. To get the most out of SEO-optimized content, your site has to be accessible on mobile devices. 

Information Source

Consumers look to mobile sites for information. Think of your mobile site as a virtual welcome desk; users can get information about products, locations, mission statements, contact information, and much more, all from their phones. With the click of a link, the user can send an email or make a phone call. Some mobile sites even include messaging and live chat features to assist with their customers’ experience. 

Credibility and Relevance

In 2021, many consumers expect any reputable company to have a fully functioning website. According to a study done by SurveyMonkey and,  40% of mobile users will leave a website if it is not mobile friendly. Those are all potential customers you are missing out on.

So now, here’s the second big question, what makes a site mobile friendly?

While much goes into the website design process, a few things should be considered when designing a mobile site. A good mobile website is:

  • Responsive- Website responsiveness means that the site will adapt to the size of your screen. The website will automatically adjust based on the size of the screen the user is viewing the site on. The user will not have to zoom or scroll to view all the content on the page.
  • Quick Load Time- Mobile sites should load quickly to reduce bounce rates. Google released a report that over 53% of mobile users will leave a site if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. 
  • Easy Navigation– Mobile sites should be easily navigable. This includes legible fonts, clickable contact information, and an easy-to-use menu. 

You can read more about website optimization from our blog post here.

Mobile sites shouldn’t be an afterthought but instead looked at as a way to reach new customers. After your next website redesign, make sure to test the site on both mobile devices and desktop to ensure it’s an enjoyable, easy experience for users. In this day and age, you must be able to engage with your customers no matter the device they’re using.

Contact us here if you’re ready to make your website mobile friendly!